Spermies! The Tiniest of Creatures
Upgrade your little guys and get to that EGG!
This is an auto racer with a lot of flava 😤 and tempo 😎 that you won't wanna miss!
Customize and upgrade your, erm, sperms to get further up the, erm, tube to get more points to get even more upgrades to.. to... you get the point...
All the while uncover the love stories and drama in the sperm community!
Just click! you can't control the sperms as they race so sit back and enjoy the show, remember, it's an auto-racer!. Buy upgrades between rounds to get a better chance of getting further, getting more money, and getting more upgrades!
Made fully for the web in React and with the [Phaser JS](https://phaser.io/) game framework. All original artworks, sprites, music and sounds!
Known Bugs (hehe)
- When you hit the egg, the endscene cinematic will play, but nothing in the game officially tells you that you've won afterwards, but you have won, thats it! But you can keep playing as long as you like ;) (We ran out of time lol)
- Perf can degrade a bit the longer you play. Think of it like a timer on the game ;)
Lead Devs:
hotdog & rumham
Sprites & Animations By
With Special Help From
**icerfish**: Sound Effects and Original Artworks
**astroduck**: Original Music
[updated oct 9th just to fix a broken asset link and remove a performance bug]